Today was the day myself and my group came together to start putting the pieces of our project together and start producing our presentation. With the deadline only being just under a week away it was time for us to meet up as much as possible to produce a professional and satisfying presentation, and to get as much practice in as possible. We have a plan of action that we are going to follow through with, meeting up everyday until the day of the presentation to produce as much work as possible. Even with other priorities such as work being a factor we have all planned to make time available to get this presentation sorted as it's such an important assignment to get completed.
Today we sieved through all the information each of us has found out individually and all the research we have carried out as team to find ihe important information that will be featured in our presentation. This took some time doing but once it was done it was easy for us to piece the structure and layout of our presentation. We decided what parts each of us would be undertaking and what our roles would be so there would be no confusion later on or closer to the time of the deadline. Individually we wrote out our scripts for our assigned parts, and then looked over each others parts to see if there were any changes that could be made before we actually start practicing. We also came up with the bullet points and diagrams that would be shown as we were talking through our parts. Gathering all this content together would make it a lot more easier for us to build our presentation.
We have 5 days to go until the presentation so it has been decided we'll meet each day to ensure all our work is completed, leaving us some valuable time to get some practice in.
We came to the agreement to produce our presentation on www.prezi.com because Billy had some previous experience with the internet program, although it had been a while since he had last used it so he needed some time to get to grips with it again. We took it in turns to try prezi out so we'd all get an understanding of it but it soon became apparent that the program wasn't as straight forward as it seemed. Billy became the leader of creating the actual presentation on screen whilst the rest of us gave in-put to how it should look and work. We tried to make it relate to the actual CBBC website by incorporating a similar colour scheme. After working all day on fixing up our scripts and then Billy continuing to get to grips with the technology of prezi, whilst the rest of us were having more of an in-put on how it should look. We decided to call it a day and Billy took it upon himself to collect all our work which we had already put into presentation form to make it easy to be added in and he was going to work on putting the presenation together at home.
Today we met in the library to see the progression of the presentation as it stands so far and hopefully get it completed. Billy had done such a great job in starting putting the presentation together, and now it was up to us to go through what was done so far, make any amendments and complete the rest of the presentation. It didn't take long for us to get done but there are still some things that need tweaking about and changing. Once this is done we can finally start practicing. We all have access to the presentation so we can call easily view it at home and start thinking of things that could be changed, added or even start practicing our parts. Tomorrow we'll meet up to get it fully completed, leaving us all day Wednesday and a few hours Thursday to go over it.
We met up to practice our presentation today. It all went well but I get all nervous when it comes to formal presentations, I just know I'm going to mess up and forget what I'm talking about. Even though I have a script, the presentation itself and the knowledge of everything we've done I just know when it comes to presenting it tomorrow I'll stutter and draw a blank. I don't know what it is about formal presentations but they just get me in a state. We've practiced so we all know our parts and how it will go but I'm seriously dreading tomorrow. It can't come soon enough!
We did come across one problem. We timed ourselves and found out that our presentation was 26 minutes long! We only have a 15 minute time limit. We've tried to cut it down but there seems to be so much that we want to get across so it's been difficult. We want to obviously meet the time constraint but also put across everything we've found out and our answer to the question without compromising or missing out crucial information. This has also got me a bit worried because knowing we have too much content will probably make me rush my parts, which will probably result in me forgetting something. Oh well! we'll just have to wait and see. We'll get some practice in before the actual presentation and hopefully find some way of cutting it down.
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